You can download these Terms & Conditions by clicking here.
1.1 Pull the Other Speech and Drama Education school and private lesson places are strictly limited to the amount advertised for each lesson. Places are filled on a first come first served basis. Pull the Other Speech and Drama Education (PTO) will operate a waiting list system (see section 4) for applicants who register interest.
1.2 Enrolling a student onto the course is done so online via the system.
1.3 Application forms must be approved before full payment can be made. Full payment must be received, or direct debit instalment set up must be in place and approved before a student can start lessons.
1.4 PTO reserves the right of refusal at any stage of the application process if the prospective student;
1.4 a) Is not able to provide correct full payment.
1.4 b) Has a medical condition or a special need that cannot be supported by PTO’s means or the physical nature of the lesson’s activities that is considered to be unadvisable for the student’s condition.
1.5 If any special needs, disabilities or medical issues are listed on the student’s enrolment form PTO will contact the student’s parent/carer so as to discuss the student’s needs and the courses suitability.
1.6 All students must register and sign in with their teacher each lesson. In the event of a student needing to leave lessons early the permission must be obtained by a PTO representative in order for it to be recorded.
1.7 A PTO representative must be informed by the beginning of a session if a different parent/carer will be collecting the student at the end of the session so that their name and contact phone number may be
1.8 Any medical condition should be notified to PTO upon application and thereafter.
1.9 Any special needs and/or disabilities should be notified to PTO upon application in order for PTO to agree to the students’ enrolment (see section 3.1b) and to assist us in ensuring a productive and supportive
1.10 PTO is not responsible for any incident that may arise from any parent(s)/carer(s) who fail to disclose any student’s special needs, disabilities or medical conditions on the forms provided and approved by PTO. All information shall be treated confidentially.
1.11 PTO and its representatives cannot under any circumstances be responsible for any student outside of the advertised lesson times.
1.12 The primary method of communication by PTO is via email, therefore an accurate and up to date email address for parents/carers is essential. Also, accurate phone numbers are essential during the sessions and in cases where phones may be out of use please let PTO know so they can inform the PTO staff concerned and other emergency forms of communication can be put in place.
1.13 It is the parent/carer responsibility to correct any contact details through their personal login account with
2.1 Full payment or half termly instalments though direct debit is due immediately once PTO has approved the students place in order to secure the lesson place (see section 2.5)
2.2 Termly payments for lessons including one off lesson payments are payable via bank transfer with the required reference clearly marked in the transaction or by direct debit.
2.3 Payment is not accepted via cheque or cash.
2.4 In order to receive the 10% discount listed for workshops you must sign up with a friend who will also be attending the course.
2.5 A maximum of 10% discount can be given to each student.
2.6 Receipts are only given if asked for.
2.7 It is possible to pay lesson term fees in three monthly payments, the first is asked for before the start of term.
2.8 It is possible to pay the workshop fees in two-part payments, the first is asked for upon booking, please see section 2.1 and the second part payment up to 3 weeks before the start of the workshop.
2.9 PTO reserves the right to implement a 1% per working day late fee percentage of the total owed which will only be ceased once full payment, including the late fee, has been paid.
2.10 If full payment is not received by the noted deadline PTO reserves the right to open up the student in question’s lesson or workshop place to the top of the waiting list.
2.11 Once a new student has taken over the late fee-paying student’s place, the late fee still needs to be paid by the previous student’s parent/guardian. If the late fee is being withheld by the student’s parent/guardian in question, then further action will be taken. Please note if further action is sought, further fees will most likely be added to the current late total.
3.1 If any student is wanting to cease their lessons, one full term’s notice must be given in writing or by email directly to your session teacher or directly to PTO, this can only be done by the parent or carer of the student wishing to withdraw.
3.2 If any student is withdrawn without the requisite notice being given, the full term’s fee will still be payable in lieu of notice to cease being received.
3.3 Once any student has given notice this is only valid for the period in which they have given notice for.
3.4 If a student has previously given notice but decides to return for another term the previous notice in writing is then invalid and new notice will have to be given for any future terms.
3.5 If any new enrolling student is withdrawn from lessons, once payment has been received, no refund will be given, and they must adhere to section 3.1.
3.6 If any rolling contract student wishes to withdraw from lessons at any time no refund will be given, and they must adhere to section 3.1.
3.7 If PTO cancels the lessons of its own accord, full payments will be refunded.
3.8 If any private lesson student is wanting to cease their lessons, 4 lessons of notice must be given in writing or by email directly to your teacher or directly to PTO, this can only be done by the parent or carer of the student wishing to withdraw.
3.9 If any private student is withdrawn without the requisite notice being given, the 4 lessons worth of fees will still be payable in lieu of notice to cease being received.
3.10 Once any student has given notice this is only valid for the period in which they have given notice for.
3.11 If a student has previously given notice but decides to continue with lessons the previous notice in writing is then invalid and new notice will have to be given for any future lessons.
3.12 If any new enrolling student is withdrawn from lessons, once payment has been received, 4 lessons worth of fees will be kept in lieu of notice (see 3.8) and the remaining amount will be refunded.
3.13 If PTO cancels the lessons of its own accord, full payments will be refunded.
4.1 If any student wants to withdraw from a workshop they are required to give a minimum of 3 weeks emailed notice before the start of the workshop.
4.2 No refund will be given unless there is a willing student on the waiting list to take your place.
4.3 PTO reserves the right to cancel a workshop up to and including the starting date and during the workshop course.
4.4 If PTO cancels the workshop of its own accord, full payments will be refunded.
5.1 Full attendance and commitment is expected and required from each student during the whole of their lesson or workshop course in order to achieve the best results.
5.2 When absences occur it is the student’s responsibility to catch up on any work missed and email their teacher for any homework.
5.3 If attendance falls below 85% (the equivalent of missing more than 2 lessons in a term of 12 or missing a day in a 5 day workshop course) the relevant parents/guardians will be contacted to manage expectations and if any future absences can be predicted, how to manage the work load in order to complete the course successfully.
5.4 If any student misses more than 65% of lessons each term for any other reason than hospital appointments or unavoidable illnesses, PTO staff reserve the right to advise the parents/guardians of the student concerned that it may not be possible to complete the course or take the examination.
5.5 If any student misses more than 50% of lessons PTO reserves the right to withdraw the student in question from their examination/performance so as not to push the student into an examination or performance that she/he is not ready for.
5.6 If either of 5.4 or 5.5 are the case PTO reserves the right to withhold any lesson or workshop fees and examination fees that have been paid and the cessation of lessons procedure still applies, please see section 3.1 and 3.2.
6.1 We require all PTO staff, representatives and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating students, parent(s)/carer(s), one another and the venue’s staff and premises with friendliness, care and courtesy.
6.2 All PTO staff and representatives use positive strategies for handling any inconsiderate behaviour, by finding ways that are appropriate for the student’s age group. Such solutions might include, for example, acknowledgement of feelings, explanations as to what was not acceptable and supporting students to gain control of their feelings so they can conduct a more appropriate response.
6.3 We support each student in developing a sense of belonging in the lessons and workshops as a ‘PTO company member’ so that they feel valued and welcome.
6.4 We do not use behavioural techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual students. This must not be confused with the nature of any drama workshop where by individual performance is encouraged. On occasion, each student will be asked and encouraged to perform a drama exercise or task individually in front of lesson or workshop peers and PTO staff.
6.5 Any physical and verbal abusive behaviour towards PTO staff and representatives, PTO’s resources, students and the venue’s staff and premises is not tolerated.
6.6 PTO operates a three-strike expulsion system. This is measured at PTO’s staff’s discretion. The threestrike system is conducted as follows; firstly an immediate verbal warning to the student and to the student’s parent/carer, secondly an immediate verbal and written warning by email, and finally an immediate verbal and emailed expulsion. All parent(s)/carer(s) must agree that should their child not adhere to this system they will be asked to leave the lesson or workshop.
6.7 In cases of extreme initial abusive behaviour by a student, for example, physical abuse or serious verbal abuse, PTO reserves the right to immediately expel that student without initiating the three-strike system.
6.8 Any decision to expel a student will be taken by artistic director, Rachel Nussbaum and only after the student has been given a reasonable opportunity to state his or her case.
6.9 In the case of any student being asked to leave, no fees or deposits will be refunded.
7.1 PTO operates a waiting list system on a first come first serve basis.
7.2 Full payments are due (or 2-part payments please see section 2.6 and 2.7) by the deadline stated on the enrolment, rolling contract form or invoice. If payments are not received within the noted deadlines, PTO reserves the right to open the student in question’s place to the top of the waiting list.
7.3 PTO reserves the right to exclude any student from the lesson or workshop who has not given full payment by registration on the first day of lesson or workshop.
8.1 All students must listen and follow instructions from PTO staff and representatives at all times when in session and under PTO’s care.
8.2 All students are given a Young Persons Code of Conduct to sign and date before or upon arrival of a workshop or lesson.
8.3 Once a student has signed this they must adhere to the rules within this Young Persons Code of Conduct.
8.4 If any student does not follow the rules listed on the Young Persons Code of Conduct then PTO staff will begin with a positive behavioural management strategy, please see section 6.2.
8.5 The nature of PTO lessons and any drama workshop is that they involve elements of physical activity. PTO Staff will conduct physical exercises in a safe manner making sure all students know exactly how to conduct the exercise and the risks involved. Students should be wary of other students when asked to conduct physical activities such as walking, running, crawling and physical exercises involving other students in contact games and exercises.
8.6 Students must wear suitable clothing and footwear for lesson and workshop sessions. Suitable footwear includes items such as indoor trainers or jazz shoes. Footwear such as high heels, sandals/flip-flops or bare feet are unacceptable. Suitable clothing includes items such as easy to move in and decent day wear, sports wear or dance wear for example, track suit bottoms, leggings, long shorts, t-shirts, jumpers. The exposure of any midriff, cleavage or upper thigh/bottom are unacceptable. Students with longer than shoulder length hair should tie their hair back out of the face.
8.7 PTO staff and representatives will ensure that students are regularly hydrated. Each student should bring enough water with them for each lesson or workshop session and a snack for the mid session break if there is one scheduled.
8.8 There will be suitably allotted session breaks where students will be able to toilet break and snack in sessions lasting more than 1.5hours.
8.9 Students must not walk out of a session without permission or reason from a PTO staff member and/or a PTO representative.
8.10 Students must not walk out of the premises without their parent/carer designated to collect them or with a PTO member of staff in an emergency.
8.11 Students have sole responsibility for any personal property taken to or used in lesson or workshop. PTO will not be responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any student’s personal property. Those involved do so at their own discretion.
8.12 If any parent is late picking up their child by more than15 minutes after the finish of lesson or workshop session is scheduled to finish they will incur a charge of £5 per every 15mins waiting plus any extra charges of parking fees incurred by the PTO staff and/or representative. Please do your upmost to communicate with the PTO staff if you may be late.
8.13 PTO may from time to time introduce rules and regulations for the better running of the lessons and workshops. All students enrolled on a lesson course or workshop shall be expected to adhere strictly to any and all such regulations.
8.14 In the event that PTO considers that a student is in breach of these terms and conditions or any regulation issued during the lessons or workshop by PTO, or if the behaviour of any student is disruptive or likely to bring PTO into disrepute, PTO reserves the right to exclude this student.
9.1 Stage 1 A parent/carer who has a concern regarding their child in a lesson or workshop should first of all talk this over with the lesson or workshop PTO Creative(s) involved, who will take appropriate and prompt action where necessary. Most concerns can be resolved amicably at this stage.
9.2 Stage 2 If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem continues or recurs, concerns or complaints should be placed in writing to the lesson or workshop PTO staff and PTO’s artistic director. All complaints made in writing from parents/carers have to be investigated by PTO’s artistic director. The PTO staff concerned may be asked to write a statement explaining the exact situation. When the investigation is completed, the PTO staff involved, and artistic director will meet with the parents/carers to discuss the outcome. This will happen within 28 days of the complaint being made. When the complaint is resolved at this stage, a summary will be kept in the Provider Complaints Record.
9.3 Stage 3 If the matter is still not resolved to the parent’s/carer’s satisfaction, he or she should request a meeting with the involved PTO staff and artistic director. The parent should have a friend or partner present if required and the PTO staff should have the support of the artistic director or another PTO representative. An agreed written record of the discussion is made as well as any decision or action to take as a result. All of the parties present at the meeting sign the record and receive a copy of it. The signed record signifies that stage 9.3 of the procedure is concluded. If the complaint is resolved at this stage, the summery points are logged in the Provider Complaints Record.
9.4 Stage 4 An external mediator is invited to help settle the complaint. This person should be acceptable to both parties, listen to both sides and offer advice. A mediator has no legal powers but can help to define the problem, review the action so far and suggest further ways in which it might be resolved.
9.5 Stage 5 When the mediator has concluded his/her investigations, a final meeting between the parents/carers, the PTO staff and artistic director or PTO representative is held. The purpose for the meeting is to reach a decision on the action to be taken to deal with the complaint. The mediator’s advice is used to reach this conclusion. The mediator is present at the meeting if all parties think this will help a decision to be reached. A record of this meeting, including the decision of action to be taken, is made. Everyone present at the meeting signs the record and receives a copy of it. This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded.
9.6 A record of complaints against PTO and/or any lesson or workshop student and/or the PTO staff working for PTO is kept for a minimum period of 10 years from the date of the original complaint. This record includes the date of the complaint, the subject to which the complaint relates, the circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed. The outcome of all complaints is recorded in the Provider of Complaints Record, available for parents/carers and government bodies on request. PTO believes complaints are made constructively and can be sorted out at an early stage. We also believe that it is in the best interests of PTO, parents/carers and students that complaints should be taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in a way that respects confidentiality.
Updated: 3rd July 2018
By: Rachel Nussbaum (Principle of Pull the Other Speech and Drama Education)